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1nvest Platinum ETF

1nvest ALSI 40 Fund

1nvest Platinum ETFs are backed by physical platinum, stored and insured in secured custodian vaults. Each platinum ETF will have recourse to good delivery platinum bars. The platinum is segregated, individually identified and allocated in secured vaults. 1nvest ETF is not allowed to introduce any outside risks into the platinum ETFs including leasing of the precious metals. Each platinum ETF unit has an entitlement to an amount of platinum and is referred to as the metal entitlement factor (or asset allocation factor). The metal entitlement factor changes daily to reflect the ETF’s management fee.

asset class


product type




The fund invests in the constituents of the Top40 Index and aims to replicate the index by holding the same weightings of these constituents. The Top40 is an equity Index of the 40 largest companies by market capitalisation, listed on the JSE. The fund is rebalanced quarterly and therefore has minimal trading costs.The fund may also hold a small portion in cash instruments and listed derivatives to effect efficient portfolio management.

asset class


product type




risk rating


moderately conservative


moderately aggressive



moderately conservative


moderately aggressive


minimum period

1 month

6 months

1 year

3 years

5 years

7 years

code share name basket Weight
ATT Naspers Ltd – N Shares 941 22%
EPP Compagnie Financiere Richemont SA De 627 13%
FFA Impala Platinum Holdings Ltd 1570 5%
FFB Pick ‘n Pay Stores Ltd 1167 3%
GRT Mr Price Group Ltd 4469 2%

1 month

6 months

1 year

3 years

5 years

7 years

documents / info

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